Control device interaction

When you own a control device, you can remotely interact with its built-in modules, such as actuators and sensors. To unlock full interaction capabilities, you relate your control devices to resources. This allows you to issue commands and monitor data feeds through control panels in your customized dashboards.

You can remote control a resource by interacting with its control panel. If the resource is enabled for the remote control, the control panel will be shown in the page of the resource and in your home page. Learn more about the remote control of resources.

To create a control relationship between a control device and a resource:

  1. Make sure you created the resource and you own the control device that you want to relate.
  2. Go to the resource page on Realer.
  3. From the resource page, click on under the resource name.
  4. From within the Control card in the edit resource page, click on Edit.
  5. From within the modal window that appears, search for the control device that you want to relate to the resource and click relate.
  6. Choose the privacy setting for the resource control relationship.
  7. Click Create control relationship.

Note: There are limitations on the number of control devices per resource you can relate.

In order to use Realer you should enable JavaScript in your browser.